1. The monthly ‘Site Visit Report’ that is undertaken by the responsible operations manager, supplemented by the quarterly visit of the area manager. It involves interrogation of the security officer, or officers, supervisor, site/contract manager and client using a pro-forma/standard protocol, and
2. The bi-monthly ‘Customer Satisfaction Survey’ which is undertaken by an independent researcher using the same pro-forma/protocols but with two additional questions aimed at establishing the skill with which the interview was conducted and the attitude of the First Security manager conducting.
The two streams serve to benchmark each other. The responses are used tactically and scores of 5 or lower are reported to the Chief Executive officer and Executive Director who ensure/instigate corrective and/or preventative action and head of corporate assurance and management development who reviews the service shortfall in the light of the Assignment Instructions, the BMS and the Personal Development Plan of the individual manager(s) and officer(s) involved and makes recommendations to Operations where appropriate.
The process generates reports that serve to monitor and track performance over time by, for example, customer group or service team. The review is paying close attention to management reports, the production of ‘tracking’ information, and most effective and efficient application to raising standards